15 Things you will regret in life.

Death is scary. We can’t change that. But we have a chance to live fully right now—and we can do that by ensuring we don’t have to say these things at the end.

  1. Why I did not travel. And going on more trips.
  2. Why worrying about what others thought about me.
  3. Choosing and spending life in the wrong job over the one I really wanted.
  4. Not taking care of my health when I had the chance.
  5. I never pursued my dreams and aspirations.
  6. I worked too much and never made time for my family.
  7. I should have made more time for my friends.
  8. I should have said ‘I love you’ a lot more.
  9. I wish I had not spent so much time working. Not enjoying the life.
  10. I should have spoken my mind instead of holding back and resenting things.
  11. I should have been the bigger person and resolved my problems.
  12. I wish I had children.
  13. I should have saved more money for my retirement.
  14. Not having the courage to live truthfully.
  15. Happiness is a Choice, I wish I knew that earlier.

It doesn’t matter if you swim with sharks, travel to every country; what matters is how you live your life, how well you take care of yourself, and how well you take care of others.

The question is what we are going to do with the rest of our lives to ensure we don’t experience any of these regrets later on when we’re in the hospital preparing to say goodbye.

This is your life, and you only get ONE. There’s no right or wrong way to live it.

What matters is that you DO.




  1. You are absolutely right with all these points. I am now in my late 60s and I followed my dreams and took chances and I have no regrets. I have seen many places in the world, taken some risks with work, and followed my heart in relationships and it has all worked out well for me. I am blessed with a good relationship, independent adult children and a very happy life. Nothing is ever perfect and I have had some struggles with health but I have always managed to come back. So bravo to you for this post. I hope that your readers will take your good advice to heart.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Wow!! 😍 thank you so much for your confirmation. I am lucky that I receive your comment and advice. I really need your advice every time in my life because you saw more life then me. Thanks a lot for such a lovely comment 😍

      Liked by 2 people

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